exercise (@frozen_warmth, unsplash.com)

Investing in a Better Mental Health

A healthy person is made from being fit from the body, as well as the mind. And hence, it is essential to consider factors affecting our mental health.

We live in a world where it is almost impossible to keep yourself away from pressure. On our day-to-day basis, we encounter situations that require us to keep a level-headed mind in order to deal with it or else, it becomes very easy to go over the edge. Today’s lifestyle has voluntarily or involuntarily invited stress as a major part of our life wherein a lot of people are oblivious of it heaping up around their head.


Despite being unpleasant, the stress in itself is not an illness. But there are connections between stress and mental health conditions, which includes depression, anxiety, psychosis and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In essence, stress causes effects on the body and is linked to mental health.


Stress is about changes which are brought about by external or internal reasons that require our body to react and adjust in response. Our body does so in physical, mental or emotional ways – affecting our entire being with it.


While most stressors are negative, not many people are aware that positive stressors exist too. Negative stressors include loss of a loved one, being unemployed, social pressures, etc., while positive stressors include getting a new job or being given higher responsibilities.


Positive stress or eustress is good for the body since it keeps one alert and devoid of danger. Contrary to that, negative stress or distress becomes a challenge for the body and more often than not has adverse effects on one’s both mental and physical health.


Studies show that forty percent of all adults suffer from acute stress affects and more than 90% of visits at the doctor’s office are for stress-relief problems. Addition to that, studies have revealed that the lifetime occurrence of mental disorders in people is over 50% due to untreated acute stress issues.



Exercise. It is and always has been the very first step to creating a better health, both for the mind and body. It helps build self-esteem, self-image, and alleviates anxiety and depression; thanks to the dopamine released. Not just that, it also works wonders for a good sleep.


Remember: something is better than nothing. Even the smallest of activities can bring changes in your life. Some easier ways for busy bees to include exercise in their daily lives are dancing, cleaning, washing your car, walking during work break, ditching the elevators, spending time at the park, playing with kids, walking your dog and stretching during TV commercials. 


A study in the United Kingdom had just revealed that people who work out in sessions only on the weekends reap almost the same amount of benefits as people who work out more often in weekdays. It really just comes down to fitting in what works in your day-to-day life.

Socialize and connect. Despite all experiences good and bad, humans crave companionship. It’s a design we’re born with and that’s exactly why socializing puts a lot of stress out of our vibe. Connecting with an older friend, spending time with family or even smiling at a stranger! You’ll have a greater sense of companionship and value for life and people, ultimately helping you sustain a happier life.


Don’t be frugal with sleep! Skipping a few hours of sleep seems like a good idea until after a while you’re not only looking like a zombie but also feel like one. Disregarding sleep is one evil you shouldn’t practice. It weakens the immune system, increases risk of diseases like those of coronary and cancer and readily affects your cognitive abilities. Unwind at the end of the day and keep astray of electronics for at least two hours prior. Skimp on sleep and you skimp on health.

Feed your brain right. Not many pay attention but the food we consume plays a big role in determining our mood and health. People respond differently to different foods, so it’s best to work out what works best for you. Items like fried food, alcohol, trans fat and sugar affect the mood in a rather negative way. Make sure to incorporate more nuts, vegetables, fat fish and fruits in your diet. Maintaining a proper diet is vital to an improved health.


Clarify your thoughts. It’s rather tough to live with a mind so perplexed it starts fishing out in your daily life. Have the heart to analyze your emotions and thoughts so you keep clarity in life. Don’t be afraid to explore, find purpose and wake up every morning with a firm grasp. Don’t let a clouded mind affect other aspects of your life.


For an average human, the scenarios where he or she feels overburdened and stressful is rapidly increasing in the fast-paced world. You can easily find yourself in situations that are just too much for your brain to handle and at those moments, most of us lose our grips.


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